Medifast for successful weight loss

Many people ask how they can best lose weight using the Medifast program. Although the program is designed for that purpose, this article advices you on how to stop weight loss being an uphill battle.

Weight loss with Medifast

There is little magic involved in following the Medifast diet. Eating little and often is the simple key to successful weight loss. With the 5 in 1 program based upon a range of pre-packed Medifast meals, including shakes, bars, soups and more. Combining any five of these Medifast meals along with one Lean and Green meal each day, the diet promises a successful hunger fighting method of losing weight and keeping it off.

Medifast 5 and 1 works for weight loss because this daily combination of meals dramatically reduces the number of calories being consumed, whilst still providing the body with its essential nutrients. The drop in calorie consumption forces the body to start burning fat stores for energy - and so weight loss begins. Most people on the 5 and 1 plan find that they will lose between 2-5 pounds each week due to the reduced calorie intake. This is a healthy amount as losing weight too fast can damage your body but lose it too slowly and you will not achieve your goals.

How to succeed with Medifast

The Medifast eating plan has been developed to keep hunger at bay with small meals eaten throughout the day, but there are also many things you can do to help you succeed in achieving your weight loss goals.

  • Avoid the quick fix attitude - The program is not intended simply as a quick fix for weight loss, but aims to change your eating habits for life. If you are going to lose weight and keep it off then this change will be necessary. Once you have reached your target weight on the 5 and 1 plan, Medifast offers guidance as to how to maintain a healthy lifestyle so as not to put the weight straight back on again. This includes decreasing the Medifast meals eaten daily and increasing the Lean and Green meals you are allowed each day.
  • Work with your doctor - Before you get started on the diet, it may be best to visit your physician for a complete health check up, especially if you have a previous medical condition, such as diabetes, are over 70, or are taking any medication. Your physician will also be able to advise you about how realistic your expectations are and help you set goals.
  • Persevere at the start - As with any diet, the first few days are the most difficult, as it will take time for your body to adjust to the new eating pattern. This means that during the first two to three days of the Medifast diet, you may experience some hunger, fatigue or headaches which might make you more irritable than normal. The important thing is to persevere. If you experience any of these side effects, the advice is to allow yourself an extra Medifast shake as it is better to have an extra shake than to give up on the diet completely. After the initial ‘settling in’ period, your body will become used to the diet and start obtaining its energy from stored fat, which kick starts the weight loss.
  • Avoid social engagements with food - When starting out on the Medifast program, you are advised to choose a period of time in which you don’t have many social engagements that involve food, as you may initially lack the willpower to resist over-indulging in foods that are not part of the plan.
  • Follow a schedule - Whilst on the 5 and 1 plan, it is best to stick to a daily schedule. Allow 2-3 hours between each Medifast meal and make sure the meals are evenly spaced throughout the day to avoid hunger. The Medifast 5 and 1 plan can be easily tailored to suit your personal routine. For instance, the Lean and Green meal does not always have to be eaten as a main meal in the evening. If you find you have more time to cook at lunchtime, or a bigger appetite in the mornings, you could try eating your Lean and Green meal at those times instead, for example using your egg allowance to make an omelet for breakfast. But the main thing is to make an eating schedule and stick to it.
  • Don’t skip meals - It is important that whilst on the Medifast diet, you do not skip meals, even if you do not feel hungry when it comes to a meal time. This is because the Medifast meals are specifically designed to supply you with the minimum level of nutrients that your body needs each day. Skipping a meal will deprive your body of part of its daily requirement of essential nutrients. In addition, one of the main benefits that Medifast offers as an eating plan is that hunger and cravings are kept at bay, as meals are taken every 2-3 hours throughout the day, making the diet easier to stick to. Skipping a meal will disrupt the carefully constructed routine that Medifast depends upon, meaning that your body will conserve calories from the last meal eaten, thus slowing weight loss.
  • Maintain variety - The wide range of Medifast meals on offer, combined with all the foods allowed as part of your Lean and Green meal, mean that it is easy to introduce variety into your diet. This is an important factor, as avoiding boredom is one of the best ways of making sure you stick to the plan. So make sure you mix and match the Medifast meals you eat each day, and don't be afraid to try different things to find out what works best for you.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol - Whilst on the 5 and 1 plan, you should try to limit your caffeine intake and avoid alcohol altogether. This is for the simple reason that caffeine and alcohol will upset the balance of the Medifast program which may ultimately slow down weight loss.

Lasting weight loss is never an easy target but with these tips, an attitude that you will persevere, and a willingness to follow the diet one day at a time you will achieve your goals sooner than you think.